Peter Shankman on Social Media For Social Good (Six Years On)

Peter Shankman on Social Media For Social Good (Six Years On)

In 2009 I invited Peter Shankman to speak at a Progressive PR Professionals (PR/PR/PR) event. I just re-read a synopsis of his talk that night and am so impressed with his insights and foresight, still quite relevant. Herein, four key tenets of using social media successfully and what's going to matter in the next 15-20 years (or now, 10-15 years). (3-min read)

Transforming Capitalism: A Conversation on 'Woodstock Roundtable'

Transforming Capitalism: A Conversation on 'Woodstock Roundtable'

I've realized over the last number of years that the traditional models of social impact are limited. Capitalism and corporations have probably a bigger influence in our lives than nonprofits do. So why not change these systems that have failed us? That's the focus of this engaging conversation I had in October (2014) with Doug Grunther, host of Woodstock Roundtable on Radio Woodstock 100.1 WDST, broadcast throughout the Hudson Valley.

'Out of the Trance & Into Action'

'Out of the Trance & Into Action'

I was recently profiled by Bonnie McEwan, New School professor and longtime communications consultant, for her series of people "who have made a positive difference in the world."

SVI Hudson Valley: Retreat for Social Entrepreneurs

SVI Hudson Valley: Retreat for Social Entrepreneurs

This new initiative ranks up there with TEDxLongDock as one of the most personally stimulating things I’ve done throughout my varied, meandering career. I hope you can join me and the world-class entrepreneurial talent we're gathering at Omega Institute in May.

Localism + community impact + social innovators + visioning... whew!

Antidote Collective has always been a platform for social impact through a variety of means, not just consulting for like-minded clients. Here, a sampling of how that's been manifesting (client work included).