Scott Tillitt

Transforming Capitalism: A Conversation on 'Woodstock Roundtable'

Transforming Capitalism: A Conversation on 'Woodstock Roundtable'

I've realized over the last number of years that the traditional models of social impact are limited. Capitalism and corporations have probably a bigger influence in our lives than nonprofits do. So why not change these systems that have failed us? That's the focus of this engaging conversation I had in October (2014) with Doug Grunther, host of Woodstock Roundtable on Radio Woodstock 100.1 WDST, broadcast throughout the Hudson Valley.

'Out of the Trance & Into Action'

'Out of the Trance & Into Action'

I was recently profiled by Bonnie McEwan, New School professor and longtime communications consultant, for her series of people "who have made a positive difference in the world."